Best Optima Batteries Review Comparison You Need to Know
RedTop vs. BlueTop vs. YellowTop: What’s the Difference?
Optima RedTop: starting battery for cars/trucks
Optima Battery Red Top is the right battery for a car that doesn’t have aftermarket accessories like audio systems. If you read any Optima redtop battery guide, you will learn that this is a starting battery. Your car uses about 5% of the charge when starting, but this battery easily recharges when the alternator kicks in.
The RedTop works for a truck, recreational car, and gasoline-powered car. Also, it works with heavy systems that draw a lot of power when starting.
Optima BlueTop: starting and deep cycle battery for marine and RVs
Optima Battery Blue top is the ideal battery for recreational and marine cars. There are two versions of this model, and both are perfect for starting cars. These are the starting/deep cycling dual-purpose battery and the starting battery. The former comes in a dark gray case, while the latter comes in a light gray case.
If you have a marine or recreational car with no aftermarket systems, go for the dark gray Blue Top Battery. And if your marine or recreational car has aftermarket systems, go for the light gray case Blue Top Battery.
Optima YellowTop: starting and deep cycle battery for cars/trucks
Optima Battery Yellow Top is a dual purpose battery since it provides deep cycling ability to the igniting battery. It is suitable for vehicles that require a lot of power when they have started and those that drain more charge that alternator can replace.
This is the perfect battery for a racing car or any high-performance car with a small or no alternator. In fact, you can use it to operate your diesel truck or other heavy equipment that turns DC to AC.
Moreover, this is the right battery for a car with aftermarket audio systems. If your car system is 250W or more than the OEM system, go for a YellowTop battery.
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